Norwich Wedding Venues | The Ultimate Guide

Planning a wedding can feel like a minefield but even more so if you’re planning one in a city (the main issue being transport and parking). As a wedding duo, we have hundreds of weddings under our belt and we’ve really seen what works and what doesn’t. Below we’ll go over the best Norwich wedding venues, their features and capacities. We’ll explain which are licenced for ceremonies or great for receptions and which can do both. We’ll also explain some logistics and bonus ideas which will help your wedding go super smoothly.

The Assembly House

  • Licenced for ceremonies.
  • Reception venue.
  • Up to 150 day guests and 250 evening guests.

The Assembly House is one of our faves. We’ve been to many weddings here and we also go for afternoon tea (it is to die for), birthday and xmas treats. The venue is a perfect all-in-one solution but more commonly we have found ourselves here for little weddings after a Norwich Castle ceremony. We think both work great and obviously, there’s the added bonus of having accommodation to hand, beautiful architecture and food and staff that can’t be beaten.

See an Assembly House wedding on our blog.

Norwich Castle

  • Licenced for ceremonies.
  • Up to 50 guests.

This might take you by surprise but Norwich Castle is actually the official registry office for the city (we know, so grand). Weddings take place currently in the Colman gallery currently, where you can say your vows amongst some of Norfolk’s most historic art.

It’s important to note that you can only hold your ceremony here so pair it up with one of the other venues for your reception and you’ll have an epic day. The Assembly House, St Giles Hotel and Number 47 are all within walking distance. If you’re after a small wedding then you could pop to The Cosy Club, for a (cosy) wedding reception.

Norwich Castle is a bit of a trek to get to with the closest parking being Castle Quarter car park (we know it’s not super far but we’re thinking of those in heels or the infirm). You can, however, drive right up to the castle for drop-offs so maybe consider hiring a minibus or just letting people know on the invites that it might be wise to book taxis.

See a Norwich Castle wedding on our blog.

The Georgian Townhouse

  • Licenced for ceremonies.
  • Reception venue.
  • Up to 60 day guests and 60 evening guests.

The perfect little wedding venue for perfect little weddings. We’re normally of the firm belief that dedicated wedding venues make good sense but we’ll make an exception for The Georgian Townhouse. This venue is a magical pub in Norwich and the whole left side is separated for weddings. So yes, the other half is still an operational pub but you would literally never know. We’ve done many cracking weddings here and it’s only a short walk from the Plantation Gardens or Chapelfields park if you wanted a break to go for some epic photos.

wedding couple dance with friends at georgian townhouse wedding norwich

See a Georgian Townhouse wedding.

The Flint Room

  • Licenced for ceremonies.
  • Up to 120 guests.

Trish and Lesley (the girls who run this place) are the most down-to-earth, loveliest people we have ever met. The Flint Room is a deconsecrated Church. This means architecturally it is a Church but you’ll need a registrar to get married there. The inside is decorated impeccably and they really encourage you to be yourself and make your wedding day your own.

If you want a BIG city wedding then this is the place to go. It has one of the biggest capacities for a ceremony. You’ll just need to pair it with a reception venue with matching capacity. Norwich Arts Centre, Number 47 or The Assembly House are excellent venues to follow but we’d highly recommend hiring a double-decker bus or similar to get everyone there.

same sex couple have confetti thrown over them at flint room wedding in norwich

See a Flint Room wedding

Norwich Arts Centre

  • Licenced for ceremonies.
  • Reception Venue.
  • Up to 70 day guests and 220 evening guests.

This venue has only recently been licenced for ceremonies so we’ve only actually been there for the reception half of a wedding day. But, they were all amazing. We think because it’s not such an obviously “wedding-ey” venue it gives couples some sort of creative freedom. Whatever goes on, we love it. If you’re having your ceremony here then we’d love to come!

See a Norwich Arts centre wedding

St Giles Hotel

  • Licenced for ceremonies.
  • Reception Venue.
  • Up to 50 day guests and 80 evening guests.

We’ve only been here once and that was during lockdown but we had the best time. This is a gorgeous venue full of history and just a stone’s throw from the famous and historic Norwich market. If you want a proper Norwich wedding then this is a great choice.

reflection of a bride in a wedding dress shop outside st giles hotel in norwich

See a St Giles Hotel wedding.

Number 47

  • Licenced for Ceremonies.
  • Reception Venue.
  • Up to 90 day guests and 130 evening guests.

This venue is on the same street as St Giles hotel. It has its own awesome perks – Number 47 has a huge dancefloor/bar area. Plus they give you the option to hire the whole place so it’s exclusively yours for the day – no intruders.

Happy wedding group shot outside number 47 in norwich

See a Number 47 wedding here.

Norwich wedding venues – in a nutshell.

If you have an affinity with Norwich like us, it’s 100% worth working out the logistics to make your city wedding happen. Start by booking your ceremony venue, followed by the reception venue ( if separate) and then start looking into transport. If you break it down one thing at a time then it won’t feel as overwhelming.

What we love about Norwich is its people – whenever we’ve walked through the city to take photos, the whole city shouts ‘congratulations’ as you walk by and steps out of the way for us to take photos. Norwich folks love a wedding. Here are some of our favourites we’ve taken over the years.

We hope you liked our blog on Norwich wedding venues! If you’re still not sure whether a city wedding is for you, then check out our blog on all of the venues in Norfolk – there are loads on the outskirts of Norwich which are just as lush 🙂 If you’re starting the planning process and need some help we have lots of practical advice here. Or just give us a shout, we’re happy to help.

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We'd love to hear all about you and your wedding day! Meet us over zoom for an informal chat and a bit of a giggle. We'll get to know you both, find out how your plans are shaping up and explain how we work.